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Siglo cero (Madr.) ; 53(1): 19-27, Ene.-Mar. 2022. tab, ilus
Artículo en Español | IBECS | ID: ibc-206999


Se presentan los resultados de un estudio parcial de caso único a través de la perspectiva biográfico-narrativa. Teniendo en cuenta un trabajo de campo previo más amplio, para este texto hemos realizado una entrevista semiestructurada y dos en profundidad para abordar de manera focal un caso de violación y abuso sexual a Teresa, persona diagnosticada con Discapacidad Intelectual (PCDI). De las entrevistas emergen diferentes categorías inductivas (violencia intrafamiliar –abusos sexuales, insultos, agresiones–, identidad como persona con discapacidad) que se abordan en la discusión en dos ejes interpretativos que se corresponden con dos etapas diferenciadas de la vida de la participante (la naturalización de la violencia y el inicio del cambio como forma de lucha). Como resultados más destacables encontramos hechos, en una primera etapa, que nos hablan de la repetición en el tiempo de dos tipos de abusos (físico, emocional) por parte de sus familiares, entre los que reluce la condición de discapacidad, y, una segunda etapa, presentamos su proceso de subversión personal sobre el que Teresa pudo reconducir esta situación. Como parte de las conclusiones, entendimos las medidas preventivas y de respeto a la diversidad como elementos esenciales para erradicar la violencia hacia las PCDI. (AU)

The results of a partial single-case study are presented through the bio-graphical-narrative perspective. Taking into account a broader previous field work, for this text we have conducted a semi-structured interview and two in depth to address in a focal way a case of rape and sexual abuse of Teresa, a person diagnosed with Intellectual Disability (PDID). From the interviews emerge different categories of inductive (do-mestic violence –sexual abuse, insults, assaults–, identity as a person with disabilities) that are addressed in the discussion in two interpretative axes that correspond to two distinct stages of the participant’s life (the naturalization of violence and the beginning of change as a form of struggle). As most noteworthy results we find facts, in a first stage, that tell us about the repetition over time of two types of abuses (physical, emo-tional) by their relatives, among which shines the condition of disability status, and, a second stage, we presented her process of personal subversion on which Teresa was able to reconnect this situation. As part of the conclusions, we understood preventive and diversity-respect measures as essential elements for eradicating violence against PCDI. (AU)

Humanos , Femenino , Adulto , Delitos Sexuales , Discapacidad Intelectual , Violencia Doméstica , Violencia contra la Mujer , Narrativas Personales como Asunto
Gerais (Univ. Fed. Juiz Fora) ; 10(2): 250-263, dez. 2017.
Artículo en Portugués | LILACS | ID: biblio-883861


Em função da idade e do gênero, adolescentes do sexo feminino são especialmente vulneráveis à s violências, sobretudo aos maus-tratos (violência no âmbito das relações interpessoais). Neste estudo, objetivou-se descrever/caracterizar a ocorrência de maus-tratos entre estudantes do sexo feminino (n=1.174), com idade entre 11 e 18 anos, por meio do Childhood Trauma Questionnaire - Brasil (CTQ-Br). Do total das adolescentes, 87% de escolas privadas e 93% de públicas indicaram algum tipo de maus-tratos, especialmente abuso emocional e negligência emocional, havendo, para a maioria, coocorrências/polivitimização. A pontuação total no instrumento foi significativamente maior nas escolas públicas, assim como a proporção de abusos e/ou negligências em níveis de gravidade moderado/severo. Os resultados denotam uma grande porcentagem de adolescentes maltratadas e a maior vulnerabilidade daquelas de escolas públicas, entendendo o tipo de escola como indicador de classe socioeconômica. Estes resultados podem auxiliar nas discussões de políticas públicas de prevenção e enfrentamento da violência

Due to age and gender, female adolescents are especially vulnerable to violence, particularly to maltreatment (the violence in the interpersonal relationships). The aim of this study was to describe/characterize the occurrence of maltreatment among female students (n=1,174), aged 11 to 18 years, through the Brazilian Child Trauma Questionnaire (CTQ-Br). Considering all the adolescents, 87% of private schools and 93% of public school indicated some abuse, especially Emotional Abuse and Emotional Neglect, existing for the majority co-occurrences/polyvictimization. The total score on the instrument was significantly higher in public schools, as was the proportion of abuses and/or neglect at moderate/severe levels. The results indicate a large percentage of maltreated adolescents and a greater vulnerability of those in public schools, considering the school type as an indicator of socioeconomic class. These can help discussions on public policies prevention and coping with violence

Adolescente , Violencia Doméstica , Instituciones Académicas , Grupos de Población
Artículo en Inglés, Español | MEDLINE | ID: mdl-27793330


INTRODUCTION: Over the last few years, oral and pharyngeal signs and symptoms due to oral sex have increased significantly. However, no review articles related to this subject have been found in the medical literature. The objective of our study was to identify otorhinolaryngological manifestations associated with orogenital/oroanal contact, both in adults and children, in the context of consensual sex or sexual abuse. METHODS: We performed a review of the medical literature on otorhinolaryngological pathology associated with oral sex published in the last 20 years in the PubMed database. RESULTS: Otorhinolaryngological manifestations secondary to oral sex practice in adults can be infectious, tumoral or secondary to trauma. The more common signs and symptoms found in the literature were human papillomavirus infection (above all, condyloma acuminata and papilloma/condyloma), oral or pharyngeal syphilis, gonococcal pharyngitis, herpes simplex virus infection and pharyngitis from Chlamydia trachomatis. The incidence of human papillomavirus -induced oropharyngeal carcinoma has dramatically increased. In children past the neonatal period, the presence of condyloma acuminatus, syphilis, gonorrhoea or palatal ecchymosis (the last one, unless justified by other causes) should make us suspect sexual abuse. CONCLUSIONS: Sexual habits have changed in the last decades, resulting in the appearance of otorhinolaryngological pathology that was rarely seen previously. For this reason, it is important for primary care physicians to have knowledge about the subject to perform correct diagnosis and posterior treatment. Some sexual abuse cases in children may also be suspected based on the knowledge of the characteristic oropharyngeal manifestations secondary to them.

Enfermedades de la Boca/etiología , Enfermedades Faríngeas/etiología , Conducta Sexual , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual/etiología , Adulto , Carcinoma de Células Escamosas/etiología , Niño , Abuso Sexual Infantil , Neoplasias de Cabeza y Cuello/etiología , Humanos , Enfermedades de la Boca/epidemiología , Paladar (Hueso)/lesiones , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/epidemiología , Infecciones por Papillomavirus/transmisión , Enfermedades Faríngeas/epidemiología , Violación , Enfermedades de Transmisión Sexual/epidemiología